Thursday, 16 March 2023

How to update HL7 messages in a loop with HL7 Soup

 When working with HL7 messages, it is often necessary to modify certain segments within the message. However, when dealing with a large number of segments, it can be difficult to ensure that the message is not modified in unexpected ways during the modification process. This is where the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods come in handy.

Consider the following code snippet:

//Get the current message we are writing as an HL7 Message IHL7Message destinationMessage = (IHL7Message)activityInstance.Message; //Get all the IN1 Sgments var in1 = destinationMessage.GetSegments("IN1"); //Set BeginUpdate as we are updating multiple Segments and don't want our list to change untill we complete destinationMessage.BeginUpdate(); //Loop over all the IN1 segments foreach (var seg in in1) { //remove the individual Segment destinationMessage.RemoveSegment(seg); } //Update the message destinationMessage.EndUpdate();

In this code, we retrieve the current message being processed as an HL7 message object called destinationMessage. We then retrieve all the segments in the message that are of type IN1, which is typically used to store insurance information.

Next, we call the BeginUpdate method on the message object to indicate that multiple segments will be updated, and the message should not be changed until the updates are complete. We then use a foreach loop to iterate over each IN1 segment in the message, and call the RemoveSegment method on the message object to remove each individual IN1 segment from the message.

Finally, after all the IN1 segments have been removed, we call the EndUpdate method on the message object to indicate that the updates are complete, and the message can be modified again.

Without the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods, it is possible that the message could be modified unexpectedly during the loop, causing issues with subsequent iterations. For example, if we did not use these methods, only the first item would be deleted as the foreach would then reference another message, and the remaining IN1 segments would not be removed.

In summary, when working with HL7 messages and modifying segments within them, it is important to use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to prevent unexpected modifications to the message. These methods ensure that the message is not updated until all modifications are complete, allowing for safe and efficient modification of large numbers of segments within the message.

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